Akos Hoffer, Chief Executive Officer
Mary Boutette, Chief Operating Officer
Brian Laffin, Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Benoît Robert, Chief Medical Officer
Daniela Acosta, Manager of Education and Knowledge Translation
Jessica Chong, Manager, Community Programs
Rachel de Kemp, Director of Nursing
Samantha Diceman, Manager, Resident Care, Rideau Building
Jay Innes, Director, Communications
Stephanie Kim, Manager, Resident Care, Ottawa Building
Andrea Liu, Manager, Interprofessional Care
Melissa Norman, Director, Quality and Interprofessional Care
Tania Paolini, Manager, Infection Prevention and Control
Lisa Peuhkuri, Director, Human Resources
Michelle Proulx, Manager, Therapeutic Recreation and Creative Arts
Annie Robitaille Ph.D., Commissionaires Ottawa Research Chair, Centre of Excellence in Frailty-Informed Care
Lacey Sheng, Manager, Analytics and Informatics
Danielle Sinden, Director, Centre of Excellence and Research Operations
Katrin Spencer, Director, Strategy, Partnerships and Growth
Rachel Stoparczyk, Coordinator, Volunteer Services
Lorie Stuckless, Director, Support Services
Kerry Tubman, Manager, Resident Care, Gatineau Building