Long-Term Care

Long Term Care Patient and Nurse
Tours are now open! Click here to book tours for long-term care, Convalescent Care unit, The Specialized Behavioural Support Unit, Respite House at Perley Health, and the Adult Day Program. Book a tour here!

With roots that date back to 1897, Perley Health is the amalgamation of three care facilities including the Perley Hospital, the Rideau Veterans Home and the National Defence Medical Centre.

Perley Health provides assistance to persons with physical and/or cognitive impairments of varying degrees. An individualized care plan is developed for each resident by the medical and nursing staff in collaboration with the resident and family. The plan is monitored and adjusted as needs and circumstances change. In 2018, Perley Health's long-term care was awarded the highest possible standing from Accreditation Canada, earning Accredited with Exemplary Standing.

Rooms and Personal Items

Patient Room

Large Room Cabinet

Curio Cabinet

Patient Dining Room

  • Each private room is 12 Ft. x 17 Ft.
  • Windows overlook one of seven courtyards or public grounds of the 25-acre property.
  • Each room is furnished with a bed, chair, dresser, night table, and wall mounted bulletin board.
  • A storage cupboard is provided for personal clothing.
  • Residents are encouraged to furnish their room with personal items, such as a comfortable chair, end table(s), lamps, and pictures and wall art.
    • The number and size of these items must be appropriate to the size of the room and comply with safety requirements.
    • Personal items must be fire retardant and not impede resident and staff safe movement throughout the room or impair the safe provision of care.

Outside the door of each resident room is a “curio” – a glassed-in display cabinet. This abinet can be filled with items that reflect the resident's life history including favorite objects, photos and keepsakes. The curios are intended to showcase a life, provide an obvious personal connection outside a room and encourage conversations with other residents, staff, and visitors.

Residents are asked to bring a minimum of 7–10 changes of machine-washable clothing, a sweater, rubber soled slippers, shoes, boots and outerwear (for cold and rainy weather). Clothing should be comfortable and easy to put on and take off. Residents provide their own personal toiletry articles including cosmetics and an electric razor.

* Please note that Perley Health is not responsible for any lost or stolen valuables (i.e. cash, jewellery, etc.), glasses, dentures or assistive devices. Residents are encouraged to leave their valuables with their family or Power of Attorney (POA).

Admission Process

For all long-term care homes in Ontario, including Perley Health, admissions are coordinated through the Ontario Health atHome, which provides in-home health and support services, and coordinates the placement of clients into long-term care homes.

Once an individual or family decide to move forward with an application, Ontario Health atHome will assign a Care Coordinator to guide the applicant to gather the medical and personal information required for admission. The applicant's Care Coordinator may offer help, if it is needed, in choosing a home. The Case Manager can give the applicant information on wait times for each long-term care home.

For Veterans: Within Perley Health, there are 250 beds designated for qualified Veterans. Veterans Affairs Canada determines the eligibility of each Veteran for admission.

  • Please contact Veterans Affairs Canada for further information on the admission process in long-term care.
  • 1-866-522-2122 (English) or 1-866-522-2022 (francais) information@vac-acc.gc.ca

Ministry of Long-Term Care Resources

Applying for Long-Term Care

Learn how to apply and start preparing for your move.


  • Please visit the Ministry of Long-Term Care: CLICK HERE

Booking a Visit

  • The process of choosing a long-term care home for yourself or your loved one can be unsettling. The staff and volunteers at Perley Health wish to assist you in any way they can. Please come for a guided tour: CLICK HERE

  • The process of choosing a long-term care home can seem daunting and be unsettling. The staff and volunteers at Perley Health wish to assist in every way.


As you embark on this new chapter with us, your comfort, safety, and privacy are our top priorities. At Perley Health, we're dedicated to providing exceptional care while respecting your unique needs and rights.

We've established clear guidelines regarding video recording devices in resident rooms to ensure your privacy and well-being. You or your Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) may install and manage these devices following specific protocols. Our policy prohibits recordings in shared spaces, audio-only recordings and safeguards sensitive private moments.

To maintain transparency and respect your privacy, we provide custom signage if you opt to use a video recording device in your room. This ensures awareness of surveillance while honouring your privacy preferences.

For access to our policy or concerns regarding care or safety recorded on these devices, please contact our Manager of Resident Care. Additionally, for the safety of everyone, Perley Health utilizes video cameras in public areas, such as parking lots and hallways for safety reasons.

In our commitment to transparency, we offer a voluntary consent form for photography. Your participation in Perley Health's promotions via social media, the website, or promotional materials requires your explicit consent before any images are used.

The Perley Health Team


Select one of the questions below to see the answer.

Wait times at Perley Health depend on factors such as the type of nursing care the resident requires, the kind of room the resident is waiting for – Veteran or community resident – and the date the resident applied for admission. Ontario Health @Home manages the waiting lists for all government-funded long-term homes in Ottawa.

Veterans Affairs determines the disability status of a Veteran and assists with placement in Veteran contract beds.

Perley Health can offer accommodation to 450 residents which include the 250 beds designated for Veterans. The building is divided into three, two-storey residences.

At any given time, 98% - 99% of beds at the Perley Health are occupied. Ontario Health @Home is notified when a room becomes available. The resident's Case Manager notifies the resident/family when a suitable space opens up.

After the offer has been made by Ontario Health @Home, the resident and their family have 24 hours to decide to accept the bed offer. After a bed has been accepted , the resident has a maximum of five days (at noon) to move in.

All rooms are private with an ensuite washroom.

Predominantly, Veterans live in the Rideau Veterans Residence.

We encourage each resident to make their room as comfortable and personal as they desire. Staff can provide information on safety issues applying to electrical items and safety measures to consider when setting up a room.

Rooms contain:
  • One single bed including all linens and a pillow
  • Television cabinet
  • End table
  • 4-drawer dresser with drawer that can be locked
  • Clothes closet
  • Private washroom with room for personal items
  • Glass display cabinet with a lock to exhibit keepsakes

Resident personal belongings are not insured by Perley Health. Residents wanting to retain valuable items in their room should purchase private insurance. Perley Health is also not responsible for any valuables (i.e. cash, jewellery, etc.), glasses, dentures or assistive devices that are lost or stolen in the home. Residents are encouraged to leave their valuables with their family or POA. 

Resident and families are encouraged to purchase a lock for the drawer in the room so that valuables can be secured.

It is suggested that residents keep all cash in a Trust Account in the Finance Department (2nd floor, Administration offices). Staff can assist those residents who are unable to visit the Finance Department.

An Automated Teller machine is located across from the Gift Boutique on the main floor.

Upon request, the Finance Department will set up a Trust Fund account for a resident. The monthly rent, incidental costs - such as hair salons fees - and resident cash withdrawals can be handled through the Trust Fund.

Family members are expected to accompany a resident to medical appointments. If family support is unavailable, a request for support can be made to Perley Health volunteer services. If volunteer support is not available, families are asked to employ a sitter to accompany the resident to an appointment.

Perley Health is proud to offer the following services and clinics to residents and their families:

  1. Dental care clinic
  2. Care Clinic at Perley Health
  3. Occupational Therapy
  4. Pharmacy
  • Assisted Living Services
  • Bank Machine
  • Barber/Hair Salon
  • Bike rides piloted by a staff member or volunteer
  • Cafeteria
  • Catering service
  • Therapeutic Recreation and Creative Arts
  • Day Program for seniors with Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias
  • Family dining rooms (may not be available during pandemic)
  • Games Room
  • Deborah's Gift Boutique
  • Respite House for seniors with early to mid-stage dementia
  • Senior Living independent apartments
  • Pub
  • Spiritual Health
  • Quiet rooms for families on units
  • Volunteer Services