Extra, Extra! The Perley Post Hits Newsstands!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new, newspaper-style newsletter tailored specifically for Perley Health residents, tenants, caregivers and loved ones! The first issue of the Perley Post is here, designed to bring all the latest news, important announcements and updates, and special event information directly to the fingertips of Seniors and Veterans in our community.

This Perley Post is a creation of the Perley Health Communications team, who are dedicated to finding innovative ways to enhance engagement within our community.

“We're so proud of our growing communication channels at Perley Health, and our team really enjoys coming up with creative ideas to connect with our community; seeing how we can do even more and in fun ways,” says Meg O'Connell, Senior Communication Specialist. “We realized that we could enhance how we connect directly with residents, and find a more efficient way to speak directly to them, in a way that works best for them. We're excited to hear what everyone thinks, and are happy to continue discovering new ways to elevate care for Seniors and Veterans through initiatives like this.”

Why a newspaper, why not a normal newsletter? At Perley Health, we understand the importance of nostalgia and routine in fostering a sense of comfort and connection within our community. The Perley Post is our way of reimagining a tried-and-true communication tool, but in a format that looks a little different than what we typically share. This classic format provides a familiar and easy way to stay informed. We want to bring back the days of being excited to see your friends (or yourself!) on the front page of the newspaper; of looking forward to reading the news with a cup of coffee or other cozy beverage; of feeling at home and excited to discuss the news with your networks.

What can you expect from Perley Post Issues:

  • News Updates: Stay informed about the latest developments, initiatives, and activities happening at Perley Health.
  • Special Events: Don't miss out on exciting events, celebrations, and gatherings tailored just for you – both upcoming, and event recaps!
  • Participation Calls: You'll have the opportunity to help the CoE, Senior Living, and other facets of Perley Health with research by volunteering for special projects.
  • Spotlight Stories: Keep an eye out for special features on Perley Health residents, tenants, staff, and volunteers as they share their story, and What a Difference a Day Makes at Perley Health for them.
  • Important Announcements: Get timely updates and announcements about important matters that affect our community, including but not limited to welcoming new staff, staffing changes, and construction news.
  • And more!

This newsletter is designed to be a direct line to what's happening at Perley Health. We want to ensure that our entire community feels connected and engaged with all aspects of life here. The hope is to also foster a collaborative space where all elements of Perley (each department, committee, club, staff member, volunteer, and resident and tenant) feel they can contribute.

Check out the first edition of the Perley Post, available now at Perley Health! Have any ideas for Post content? Send a note to info@perleyhealth.ca with your thoughts and comments.


Perley Post First Edition

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We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new, newspaper-style newsletter tailored specifically for Perley Health residents, tenants, caregivers and loved ones!