Foot Care for Seniors
Step into Wellness: Enhanced Foot Care Services at Perley Health!
Foot Care for Seniors and Veterans
- As individuals age, the health of their feet becomes increasingly vital. Our Nursing Foot Care services cater to the needs of Seniors and Veterans providing essential assistance in self-care.
- Health conditions can significantly impact foot health, underscoring the necessity of regular foot care to maintain overall well-being.
- Routine foot care not only ensures comfort but also enhances mobility, reducing the likelihood of falls and preserving independence.
How Our Foot Care Nurses Can Assist You?
Our skilled Foot Care Nurses conduct comprehensive assessments, including:
- Our Foot Care nurse adheres to best practice guidelines and maintains strict equipment sterilization standards.
- Evaluation of foot health and medical history
- Nail care
- Sensation assessment
- Management of conditions such as thick fungal nails, ingrown toenails, corns, calluses, and diabetic feet.
- Our nurses administer treatments such as nail trimming, callus reduction, and provide guidance on appropriate footwear and circulation.
- Tailored education is also offered to meet individual needs.
Our Nursing Foot Care Service Does NOT Include:
- Nail polish application
- Pedicures
- Foot massages
- Foot soaks (due to increased infection risk)
For Perley Health long-term care residents, accessing foot care is seamless. Upon admission, you will receive detailed information about our services, allowing for swift consent and easy access.
For current residents, simply consult your unit care team for a referral to the Foot Care Nurse.
- For those eligible, Veterans Affairs Canada covers the costs of foot care.
- Direct Contact: Reach out to the Foot Care Nurse at 613-526-7170 ext. 2228.