Ontario Volunteer Service Awards

Congratulations, Perley Health Ontario Volunteer Service Awards Winners!

Every year the Ontario Volunteer Service Award recognizes volunteers for providing committed and dedicated service, and Perley Health is thrilled to nominate a number of outstanding adult volunteers with more than five years of consecutive service, and youth volunteers with two or more years of service.

The following group of Perley Health volunteers were honoured by the Government of Ontario at a special 2023 Ontario Volunteer Service Awards ceremony in October.

Thank you so much to all Perley Health volunteers for your continued hard work, your compassion, and for making a difference in the days of Seniors and Veterans, staff, and the greater Perley Health community every single day. We couldn't continue to transform lives without you!

Adult volunteers

  • Bill Atkinson
    (15 years volunteering at Perley Health)
  • Patrick Cummins
    (20 years volunteering at Perley Health)
  • Dave Hamel
    (25 years volunteering at Perley Health)
  • Biruta Krumins
    (15 years volunteering at Perley Health)
  • Joan Olinik
    (10 years volunteering at Perley Health)
  • Fred Ranacher
    (15 years volunteering at Perley Health)

Youth Volunteers

  • Ashley Innes
  • Mihiret Sinkie

Pictured receiving their awards at the ceremony are volunteers Patrick, Ashley, Joan, and Bernadette Lee-Wo, Volunteer Services Clerk, Perley Health.

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