Exemplary Standing from Accreditation Canada
Perley Health has again earned the highest-possible rating from Accreditation Canada, the national, independent, non-profit body that reviews and assesses the operations of care facilities. The rating, known Exemplary Standing, is the result of a comprehensive assessment against established standards of excellence in healthcare quality and safety. Perley Health first earned Exemplary Standing in 2018.
Members of Accreditation Canada are audited every four years against criteria set by the Standards Council of Canada, the International Society for Quality in Health Care and the Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation. The audits evaluate performance on 580 criteria related to everything from infection control and emergency preparedness to safety and governance. Along with on-site examinations and document reviews, independent evaluators conduct interviews with residents, family members, staff, volunteers and Board members.
During its latest assessment, Perley Health met or exceeded all relevant criteria. The Accreditation Canada assessment report cites several highlights, including: the ability to operate successfully throughout the pandemic; investments in employee education and training to safeguard excellence in care and services; and the establishment and rapid rise to prominence of the Centre of Excellence in Frailty-Informed Care™.
The Board of Directors, the leadership team, and the rest of the Perley Health community extend their heartfelt congratulations to all staff. It's your hard work and professionalism that make accomplishments such as this one possible!

Perley Health has again earned the highest-possible rating from Accreditation Canada.
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