Answering the Call Achieves its Fundraising Goal
Answering the Call Campaign Cabinet
L to R: Guy Thibault, Louise Mercier, Rick Campagna, Delphine Haslé, Kammal Tannis, Erin Binks, Mariette MacIsaac, Micheal Burch, Daniel Charron, John Jarvis, Chloe Allaham (missing from photo: Kristan Birchard, Paul Fortin, Adam Kane, Colleen McBride, Walter Robinson, Jonathan Westeinde)
In late November, Perley Health Foundation announced that its Answering the Call campaign had reached it $10 million fundraising goal.
“Thanks to the remarkable generosity of donors, Perley Health will advance innovation and excellence in the care of Seniors and Veterans living with frailty,” says Delphine Haslé, the Foundation's Executive Director. “I am incredibly grateful to donors. Because of strong community support, older adults across Canada will be able to live life to the fullest throughout the aging process.
While many factors contributed to the campaign's success, the exceptional leadership provided by Campaign Cabinet Co-Chairs John Jarvis and Micheal Burch was particularly important. Their passion, dedication and professionalism helped to attract donors who were previously unfamiliar with the critical role Perley Health can play in transforming care for Seniors and Veterans. Early in the campaign, Commissionaires Ottawa made a leadership gift of $2 million to fund the Centre of Excellence in Frailty-Informed Care.
Donors responded to the strategy central to the Answer the Call campaign. The strategy features three complementary pillars: rapidly advance the care of Seniors and Veterans living with frailty through applied research and innovation; transfer relevant knowledge and lessons learned so that evidence-based best practices are implemented broadly at the bedside; and continuously improve the quality of care that Perley Health provides to Seniors and Veterans.
A key goal of the strategy is to shorten the time it takes to translate research findings into practical improvements in care that can be readily implemented. Currently, this process takes 17 to 20 years. Perley Health's knowledge-translation team is using implementation science to significantly reduce this time.
None of this is possible without the ongoing support of donors. Together, we are transforming care for Seniors and Veterans.
Thank you.
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